
Humanitarian Innovation Fund - Project Case Studies


Bodhi conducted a security context analysis for Welthungerhilfe in Afghanistan. The primary objective was to assess shifts in the security landscape since the Taliban takeover in August 2021 and recommend adaptation strategies for effective programming. The analysis examined changes in power structures, security dynamics, and emerging threats, particularly to women working for INGOs, and assessed the impact of the ban on women working for INGOs. The methodology included three phases: inception, data collection, and analysis and reporting. In the inception phase, Bodhi refined the methodology and developed a conceptual framework. The data collection phase involved a comprehensive desk review and key informant interviews (KIIs) with stakeholders, including government officials, community leaders, and Welthungerhilfe staff. The final phase included data analysis using NVivo and a validation workshop with Welthungerhilfe to discuss findings and recommendations. The study provided actionable insights and strategies to enhance the conflict sensitivity and effectiveness of Welthungerhilfe's operations in Afghanistan, with a focus on gender responsiveness.

Research team