Endline/Evaluation of the Project: Protection of Persons of Concern (PoC) and vulnerable migrants along migratory routes in Sudan

Danish Red Cross

Bodhi is conducting the final evaluation of the PROTECT I project, a 36-month initiative implemented by the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) and Danish Red Cross (DRC) to protect vulnerable migrants along migratory routes in Sudan. Funded by the European Union Trust Fund for Stability and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the project aims to improve the protection of migrants in vulnerable situations in Northern State, River Nile State, Red Sea State, and Khartoum. The evaluation focuses on assessing the activities implemented and their effectiveness in achieving the planned results and objectives. It aims to capture impact, identify lessons learned, and provide recommendations for improving the planning and implementation of Phase II of the project. The evaluation addresses the six OECD-DAC criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability, and includes an EU-specific criterion to assess the added value brought by the intervention. The methodology involves a mixed-methods approach, including a desk review, endline survey, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Data collection will be conducted in Dongola, Ad-Dabba, Marawi, Halfa, Atbara, Ad-Damar, and Port Sudan. The evaluation process includes four phases: inception, field, synthesis, and dissemination, each with specific deliverables such as an inception report, draft and final reports, and a presentation of findings. The evaluation aims to document the impact of the project's approach and methodology, provide recommendations for upscaling and adapting the approach in other contexts, and enhance internal learning and accountability within the RCRC Movement. It also seeks to disseminate best practices and lessons learned to influence future migration and protection programming in Sudan and beyond.

Research team